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Pello Txintxurreta

Inhaber, Geschäftsführer, Vorstand



Martin Aguirrezabal




Miguel Moñux

Kaufmännische Leitung



Luis Mari Soto

Kaufmännische Leitung



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TechnologienStückzahlLängeBreiteHöheDurch-messerGewichtMaterial stärke
3000 - 30000003 - 300 - - 6 - 60 - -


Metagra was founded in 1957. Our premises are located in Bergara (Spanish Basque Country), in two plants of about 7500 sqm.

The main activity of METAGRA is cold forming of wire, which constitutes the basis of our know-how. We are specialised in the manufacturing of complex-high deformation rate parts, like hollow parts (inner tubes, inner sleeves and collar key locks), eccentric and asymmetric shapes and not cylindrical shanks (cuatrilobular, elliptic,…), big parts got by cold forging (diameters up to 50, lengths up to 250). We may either serve single parts or assemblies consisting of different components.

We have delivered (and continue to do so) parts for automotive industry for years. The high performance of our products in terms of quality, recognized for several times by our customers, as well as the good logistic service that we provide have positioned METAGRA as a very reliable option in the market. Now we are spreading our activity to different sectors, such as aeronatics, energy, trains and ship work. The certifications ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO TS 16949 and OHSAS 18001 make proof of our skills to move into these other markets.

The means we have in our work-ships are as follows:

-13 cold forming machines of 3, 4, 5 and 6 steps (dies). Tough german machines, as well as technologically advanced American machines are to be found among these media. Also a powerful Taiwanese machine up to diameter 36 mm is included within this account.

-20 thread rolling machines, used for the realisation of male threads. Flat die and round die machines are the media for this operation.

-6 machining media (turning, milling, etc …) for second operations.

A broad number of heat treatment and surface protection applicators are settled within our same geographical area, enabling us to provide a complete, totally finished part service.

Additional media in METAGRA to support the manufacturing are: self-manufacturing area for cold forming tooling, measurement/testing media for quality control (in-line control and final control), Automatica torque testing device, tensile strength testing machine, salt spray testing machine, 100% sorting machines, self-agreement laboratory certified by RENAULT …

The whole development of each part is done in METAGRA, including the total design and the manufacturing of cold forming tooling.

The most frequent raw material qualities used in Metagra are carbon steels (such as C8C, FR10FF, 20MnB4, CQ22 and others) and medium alloy steels (such as 38B3, 38MnB5, 34CrMo4 and others). Some stainless steels are also within our range of used materials. Nevertheless we have started to try other materials different from steel like aluminium or titanium.

Beyond the delivery of 100 % good part (high quality performance), METAGRA has as well other areas of concern, such as these ones following:
For further informations as to …
-Customer and employee satisfaction
-Prevention (not detection, “zero defects”).
-Continuous improvement and learning
-Environmental protection
-Research + Development + Innovation.
… please visit our website linked right above!

METAGRA’s hard earned expertise is at our clients’ disposal to answer to any and to all expectations and to achieve complete satisfaction.








Edelstahl (rostfrei V2A)

Edelstahl (rostfrei/säurebeständig V4A)




Eisenbahnindustrie und Schienenfahrzeugbau

Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie


Automobilindustrie und Fahrzeugbau

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