For buyers

Digital sourcing process

Our web-based request process enables you to specify drawing parts and commercial requirements in just a few steps.

Each request is subsequently reviewed for completeness and plausibility by our technical experts to minimize preventable queries from the suppliers. Incoming quotes are easily compared in an intuitive display and offer a comprehensive decision-makingbasis to qualify new suppliers.

Bild zu Einkäufer Sourcing Prozess

An efficient and secure process

Request creation

The request process begins with uploading a technical drawing in PDF, STEP, or DXF format and adetailed requirements specification. For parts families or assemblies, several different parts can be bundledinto one request. Buyers can furthermore specify the payment and delivery terms as well as the request timeperiod. We offer a streamlined, e-mail-based request process for customers that continuously request what theyneed via the Techpilot platform.

Supplier selection

Our real-time matching generates a shortlist of matching suppliers for individual needs. This list can be further refined according to location, company size, sales, certifications or industries. In a subsequent process, the right suppliers are informed about the drawing part request and can submit an offer.

Confidentiality agreement

To contractually safeguard against the unauthorized dissemination of request data, we optionally offer theuse of our integrated confidentiality agreement process. Suppliers receive access to request data only whenthe individually saved and signed confidentiality agreement has been uploaded to the system and approved.Approved companies are saved to favorites and are already pre-qualified for subsequent requests. Thesigned document can be retrieved in the system at any time and can be revoked if necessary.

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Quote comparison

Once the quote period has expired, buyers receive a detailed quote comparison that provides different pricepoints and the respective company details at a glance. With this decision-making basis, suppliers can bedirectly contacted and qualified for a collaboration. To efficiently process the data, the quote comparisoncan be downloaded as an Excel document at any time.

Connect your system to the Techpilot platform using our API

Bild zu Techpilot API

The alternative to web-based use

We offer you two different technical APIs if you send your drawing part requests from an ERP or SRM system to your suppliers:

Request API

Using our request API, you can send parts data, delivery terms, the request duration and technical drawingsto Techpilot straight from your system. We use this data to create a request and to return matching suppliers to you. Afterwards, you can choosethem and send them a request.

Quote API

Using our quote API, you can receive a dynamic price overview for your drawing parts. It is available in your ERP or SRM system at any time. The price data is saved to the material master record via the“Techpilot” vendor and with reference to the respective supplier.

Learn how your sourcing process can also be efficient and secure.