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Martin Bilusic






Additive Manufacturing

TechnologiesLotsizeLengthWidthHeightDiameterWeightMaterial thickness
Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
1 - 10002 - 3002 - 3002 - 300---

Company description

Development Innovation Center, an institution for the promotion of entrepreneurship, research and development is established by the Sibenik-Knin County. The Central Finance and Contracting Agency has approved within IPA program funds for its arrangement and equipment. Apart from the EU funds, the project is co-financed by the Šibenik-Knin County. Facilities intended for activities connected to regional development and encouragement of entrepreneurship in development of new technologies and final products are being equipped in an ex-military complex that was given to the city of Šibenik by the state. Maritime Innovation Center iNAVIS is also located in the same facilities.

The facilities consist of a laboratory for testing the quality of aluminium products and other metal products, construction bureau and workshop for construction of models of final products, exhibition area for innovators, conference hall intended for education of entrepreneurs, primarily in new technologies - 3D product design and preparation for CNC production, holding meetings, presentations, center for renewable energy sources, center for clusters and office for EU projects.

The size of the center is approximately 800 m2. Apart from arrangement and equipment of the facilities, activities connected to education of regional and local government employees as well as entrepreneurs in usage of new technologies in production (of mostly aluminium products) also take place in the facilities. The project lasts until December 2015.

Through Techpilot, we provide services for 3D printing of plastic products.

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Plastics/synthetic materials


Acrylic (PMMA)

High performance plastic



Silocone (LSR)

Natural and vulcanised rubber

Glass fibre-reinforced plastic

Carbon fibre-reinforced plastic

Particle reinforced composite materials

Wood-Plastic-Composites (WPC)

Natural Fibre Composites (NFC)


Mechanical engineering

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