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Reiser GmbH


Peter Reiser

Owner, company manager, member of the board





Injection Moulding, Extruding

TechnologiesLotsizeLengthWidthHeightDiameterWeightMaterial thickness
Injection moulding
1000 - 100000002 - 8002 - 8002 - 800-max. 2.5-

Company description

Our core competence are products and parts made of plastic injection, we on
Machines (ARBURG, Krauss-Maffei, Ferromatik) finished with a clamping force of up to 650 tonnes.

We realize both large and small production runs reliably and produce fully automatically as well
individually operated.

Another "reiser advantage" is the own tool, through which we quickly
respond to special requests.

manufacture also is complete units. The installation is both in our plant in Hungary
as carried out in Germany. The necessary devices we ourselves construct
and they produce in-house tool.

Diecast parts are manufactured under our full director in Hungary and then machined on our CNC machines.


Plastics/synthetic materials



Glass fibre-reinforced plastic

Carbon fibre-reinforced plastic

Particle reinforced composite materials

Wood-Plastic-Composites (WPC)

Natural Fibre Composites (NFC)

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