Discover specialized suppliers for heat treatment on Techpilot. Our platform connects buyers with suppliers who use various heat treatment processes to optimize the properties of your components. Use the e-sourcing process to find the best suppliers.
Slovenia - 1000
20 - 50
Bulgaria - 1582
Thanks the high technological machinery, we the Iovine High Tech Srl, operate since 1970 as a supplier in the field of mechanical precision machining; We offer technologies such as grinding, drilling, turning, and are particularly specialized in milling. We can offer this both as a complete delivery as well as operations.
We work with drawing parts in medium size (max. 1 meter), where particular finishing’s are in higher accuracy required with very small tolerances.
No. 6 CNC Drilling
No. 4 CNC milling machines
No. 5 CNC lathes
No. 3 CNC grinding
No. 1 Meassuring tool Tesa micro-Hite 3D
One of our best machine is the MCM (machining centre manufacturing) 1200 Clock, costruction year 2016, with the following technical features:
Number of axes: 4
Axes Stroke: 1.200mm x 850mm x 850mm
Pallet Dimensions (mm): 630x630 / 630x800
Rapid feeds (m/min.): 75,0
Rotary table - number of positions: 3.600.000
Rotary table – rotating speed (rpm): 50
Tool taper: ISO 50 / HSK-A100
Max torque (Nm): 372/372/0
Power (Kw): 58,5/58,5/0,0
Spindle rotating speed (rpm): 8.000/14.000/0
Linear axes measuring system: pressurized Heidenhain optical scales
Rotating axes measuring system: pressurized Heidenhain encoders
Vertical continuously rotating table: Yes
Being on the market for many years, Clock 1200 ensures high precision, speed and reliability.
The X axis guide on two different levels makes the carriage unit extremely rigid, globally increasing machine performance and cutting volume.
Equipped with the vertical continuously rotating table, Clock 1200 can turn into a multitasking machine capable of turning, milling and grinding.
This machine has a tool magazine with 500 seats and a pallets magazine with 60 seats. We have the coordinate measuring instrument 3D Tesa Micro Hite, Year, 2014.
We have tools to ensure the quality of products in terms of standardized control plans.
For special needs, we are able to use the quality requirements that have been agreed with our customers.
The company is certified according to ISO 9001: 2008.
20 - 50
Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli)
Italy - 80053
Italstock Srl's main skills consist in mould and product development support and manufacturing of technical and customized drawing parts in elastomeric materials.
Our commitments flow into automotive, heating, hydraulic, pneumatic, household appliances and industrial fields, where we have been improving our know how since the eighties.
The company has been active in this sector since the early 80s and is based in a highly industrialized area, characterized by significant tradition and experience in the production of industrial seals and in the rubber processing industry. The activity is supported by a distinctive entrepreneurial skill associated with competence, passion for one's work and continuous predisposition for improvement.
20 - 50
Castelli Calepio (BG)
Italy - 24060
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As the market leader for vacuum and atmospheric furnaces, we offer innovative, reliable and future-orientated solutions for almost every heat treatment requirement.
- Hardening
- Carburising
- Nitriding
- Annealing
- Debinding
- Sintering
- High-temperature brazing
- etc.
We draw from over 75 years of experience in industrial furnace manufacturing and value the expertise of our about 400 employees worldwide. Whether highly sophisticated processes for special applications or customised systems - we have the right partner for every requirement.
Our industrial furnaces are already used in a wide range of industries, such as
- Aerospace industry
- medical technology
- Automotive industry
- Mechanical engineering and toolmaking
this is why requirements from a wide range of different standards such as AMS2750, CQI-9, NADCAP and NADCA are already everyday life for us.
200 - 500
Germany - 58708
50 - 100
Germany - 88662
IWN GmbH & Co. KG specialises in the development and production of high-precision products for applications in the fields of hydraulics and pneumatics as well as in innovative system solutions and special components.
Our company focuses on the consequent orientation towards customers' requirements. It is the endeavour of our committed employees to meet the requirements of our customers.
Active customer orientation, highly motivated employees in combination with the latest production technology: Our guarantee for the implementation of our slogan "Technology for You!"
IWN stands for innovative ideas, lean processes, qualified employees and cutting-edge technologies for mechanical machining and installation.
IWN flexibly develops and produces customer oriented series products in small and medium numbers while placing high emphasis on quality.
IWN supplies its customers in the industry and automotive field on time, based on diverse logistics concepts.
IWN enjoys long-term customer relationships based on a spirit of trust, and will continuously further develop these contacts with existing and new customers.
Intelligent Systems: We develop and produce solutions in cooperation with and according to our customers' specifications. We design and produce tailor-made products and assembly groups for the most varied fields of application both efficiently and at low cost, while remaining in constant contact with the specialists of your technical department. We are in a position to produce first-off samples and prototypes at short notice. Use this advantage and distinguish yourself from your competition as early as in the planning phase.
Order-based Production: From the development phase on, we produce high-precision turned and milled parts in a process reliable manner and with a maximum degree of realisation know-how.
Highly specialised, competent employees, modern machines and equipment and many years of experience form the basis for our confidence to being able to meet your requirements. Batch sizes range from 100 to more than 500,000 pieces.
200 - 500
Germany - 33719
Turkey - 35620
JAB CNC posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie jako dostawca szerokiej gamy komponentów maszyn, części standardowych i lekkich części spawanych na rynku. Posiadamy bogatą pulę polskich spółdzielni, które indywidualnie wyprodukują dla Państwa części.
Nasze działania i wiedza ekspercka w zakresie projektowania i produkcji oraz doskonała znajomość polskiego rynku gwarantują profesjonalizm, rzetelność i elastyczność.
Co robimy?
Produkujemy elementy toczone konwencjonalne o średnicy 8 mm - 100 mm in długości do 1000 mm, elementy toczone CNC o średnicy 8 mm - 150 mm in długości do 400 mm, elementy frezowane CNC do 1000 mm x 510 x 560 mm , odkuwcje lekstakielowe.konstruk oraz spawane gumowe elementy techniczne. Oferujemy rownież szlifowanie cylindryczne i płaszczyznowe.
W naszych centrach obróbczych możemy wyprodukować detail o maksymalnych wymiarach 1600 x 400 x 350.
Jaki material?
Obrabiamy stal, stal nierdzewną (V2A) oraz metale kolorowe (miedź, mosiądz, aluminium).Tworzywa sztuczne takie jak PA6, POM, PETP.
Jakimi metodami?
Dzięki różnorodnym tokarkom, frezarkom i centrom obróbczym CNC produkujemy złożone części toczone i frezowane we wszystkich wielkościach partii.
Niektóre z wyprodukowanych części:
Tuleje, tarcze, kołki, stożki, bębny, wkładki, odcinki rur, wały, osie, piasty, pokrywy, kołnierze, śruby łożyskowe, wały, śruby gwintowane, zaślepki, kołki, wkręty, śruby blokujące, membrany, wrzeciona, łożyska, łeb sześciokątny śruby, śruby kute, ściągacze, śruby specjalne, prowadnice, płyty bazowe, płyty montażowe, obudowy nakrętek, płyty łożyskowe, dźwignie, odpowiedniki, haki, trawersy i płyty adaptacyjne.
20 - 50
Poland - 43394
5 - 10
France - 74300
Jebens GmbH is one of Europe's leading gas cutting works and trading houses for plate with his own mechanical processing and manufacturing of complete welding components.
We stock and supply
Plates and slabs of steel S235, S355, high-strength fine grain structural steels (S690QL, S960QL), pressure vessel steels (P265, P355, P460), wear fine grain steels (Dillidur 325, 400 Dillidur, Dillidur 500) and 16MnCr5 and C45
We manufacture for you
In our total of 11 gas cutting equipment (Oxy + plasma) we burn parts of 10 - 1000mm thickness and can handle up to 50 tons unit weight
In addition to its own paint shop and 2 sand blasting machines we have our own heat treatment for stress relieving and normalizing sheets
Our milling and drilling rigs allow a complete mechanical processing
As part of our components manufacture, we manufacture complete welded structures with up to 40,000 kg per piece
Our customers
We supply customers in almost all of Europe. Our customers are mainly in the fields of crane manufacturers, construction machinery, injection molding machines, presses, special vehicle construction and general engineering.
100 - 200
Germany - 70825
- Machining of high-precision drawing parts (turning and milling)
Sleeves, housings, covers, receptacles, holders, SMA
- Prototyping and Massproduction
- Al, Brass, Cu, VA, Ti, Mg
- specialized in optics & lasers
- overnight manufacturing
- mounting of assemblies
- supplyer of thermoelectric modules (TEC-Peltier.Modules)
100 - 200
Germany - 07743
JHM CONCEPT is specialized in engineering, design, production and installation of special purpose jigs and fixtures.
OUR DEPARTMENT: 1 engineering office + 1 machining company
A single contact your you with capabilities of two companies: the enginnering office JHM CONCEPT and its machining expert partner SODERTAL.
For your needs, we develop, produce, adjust, qualify and deliver specific tools or parts.
Our team: 6 engineers and 5 technicians are at your disposal to answer your problems.
Our strengths :
- Development of specific solutions
- Prototyping
- Machining
- Cutting
- Manufacturing
Our philosophy: Provide French quality products at the best prices!
5 - 10
France - 70290
Company JK NASTROJE focuses for precision machining primarily for precision milling on 5 axis CNC centers. JK NASTROJE is a stable company with 150 employees and long tradition. JK NASTROJE produces precision machined parts for weapons, optics, laboratory scales, CNC machines and tools for reasonable prices. We arrange for you a complete supply the required components including heat treatment and surface treatment. Below are samples of our products and link for JK NASTROJE web pages:
100 - 200
Czech Republic - 68604
Success is not an accident
Customer orientation
In the center of our business, the customer and its requirements is available. Customer satisfaction is our primary goal.
Our organization has any employees to its clearly defined duties and responsibilities. It provides discretion and requires him to drive, creativity and cooperation.
Innovation is one of our most important features. In the solution of complex problems you can rely on our expertise.
Each employee is responsible in place for continuous improvement and thus contributes to the achievement of quality objectives. The self-examination and self-responsibility are goal and motivation.
200 - 500
Germany - 86830
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Design and implementation of cutting tools. Cutting preproduction presses 15, 40, 160 and 630 tonnes.
20 - 50
France - 25410
the company Roland Fischer GmbH in winter Bach enjoys in precision turned parts manufacturing for decades a special reputation for their expertise, quality and reliability in the manufacture of turned parts.
Like some other Swabian component manufacturers with widely known in Europe, they could also earn a special place in their area. Surely this reputation for delivering precision work immediately reliable, the ability of the company contributed mitzutragen new developments, they operate in a very short time and produce prototypes. The Roland Fischer-production program includes over 1200 different precision turned parts. The diameters are from 1 to 22 mm.
We also manufacture turned parts up to form 43 mm diameter. With cross and back machining.
The following materials are used:
Aluminum, stainless steel, brass, titanium alloys, cutting steel
Our turned parts include the following range of parts:
Axes, adapters, adapter bolts, adapters, panels, bolts, bushings, bypass screws, spacer bolts, spacers, spacers, throttle spindles, pressure rollers, jet inserts, jet needles, set screws, eccentric, lead nuts, guide pieces, sleeves, clamping screws, magnetic pin, magnetic screws, adapter, circuit boards, pole cores, detent pins, reducing connector, push rods, studs, styli, adjusting, stem nozzle, truing, inter alia,
10 - 20
Germany - 73614
We are your service provider in the following sectors
Electron beam welding
Electron beam hardening
Laser welding
Design meeting the requirements of electron beam welding
Development of electron-beam welding equipment
Electron beam welding totally annuls the classical requirements like:
Same material,
Same material thickness,
Low heat conduction,
Low content of companion elements and
Low carbon content.
The reason for that are the narrow deep seams and the high process speeds. Therefore, this method is not limited to standard materials but may also be successfully applied to special materials, various material combinations, thin-walled and thick-walled structures. Economic solutions are always based on designs meeting the requirements of electron beam technology since the technological advantages of electron beam engineering, weld joint testing and savings in the processing operations are combined.
The clever and extremely cost-saving component design simply uses the specific features inherent to electron beam welding:
Narrow weld seams due to energy input = 1% in comparison with TIG or MAG seams - resulting in minimum shrinkage and minimum distortion
Narrow heat-affected zone - permits relief of welding stresses through equalisation with the elasticity of basic material
20 - 50
Götschetal OT Teicha
Germany - 06193
Production of spare parts (forged and casted) for all kinds of industries
Ukraine - -84306
The majors activities of the enterprise are cold pressing of parts, equipment manufacturing, mechanical processing of the products (turning, milling, electro-contact welding, turning with automations and technical processing) and galvanic coating (coating with zinc, nickel, chrome, copper, oxidizing and electrochemical polishing).
20 - 50
Lithuania - LT 51230
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